Adventure Guide Brigham: Some of My Favorite Trails

People who know me know that I hike a lot, but what those people may not know is that I know dick about hiking. That's not quite true, but I don't have any special expertise or training beyond my own experiences. I'm not a backpacker who goes on multi-day hiking trips. I don't use any fancy equipment, I don't have any special technical canyoneering skills, and I certainly don't know how to do repelling. Some people who grew up in rural Utah were raised in families who emphasized outdoor activities like camping trips, hunting and the like, but camping trips and hiking were a novelty during my childhood, and Boy Scouts were a secondary concern. As such, I know about as much as the average person, but lots of practice has allowed me to work up to more strenuous trails and experience has taught me a few tricks. So when I tell you some of my favorite hiking trails, they're not exactly the most hardcore, except sometimes in terms of physical fitness and wil...